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CALC 1 Math and Trigonometry Calculator

This calculator focuses on trigonometric, logarithmic and other math functions.

Using the "long press" gesture will display a hint about any key. (Video: Displaying a hint) You can inspect the Key Details to see the formulas and functions for any key.



Label Description
sin Calculates the sine of x for the current degree/radian mode.
cos Calculates the cosine of x for the current degree/radian mode.
tan Calculates the tangent of x for the current degree/radian mode.
ln Calculates the natural logarithm of x.
⇒P Converts x and y from rectangular to polar values.
Calculates the square root of x.
y^x Calculates y raised to power of x.
1/x Calculates the reciprocal of x.
SWAP Swaps the x and y registers.
÷ Divides y by x.
ROLL Rolls the stack down.
× Multiplies y times x.
Subtracts x from y.
% Calculates the x percent of y.
+ Adds y to x.


With shift


Label Description
asin Calculates the arc sine of x for the current degree/radian mode.
acos Calculates the arc cosine of x for the current degree/radian mode.
atan Calculates the arc tangent of x for the current degree/radian mode.
exp Calculates the base-e exponential of x.
⇒R Converts x and y from polar to rectangular values.
π Enters pi into x.
3√x Calculates the cube root of x.
x√y Calculates y raised to power 1/x
sqrtpi Calculates the square root of x times pi.
last x Recalls the 'last x' value.
clr m Clears all of the user memory.
clr s Clears the stack registers (x, y, z, t).
exp2 Calculates the base 2 exponential of x.
expm1 Calculates the base e exponential of x minus 1.
10^x Calculates 10 raised to the power of x.
quad Calculates the real roots of a quadratic equation given a, b, c.
jn Calculates the Bessel function (cylinder function).
log2 Calculates the value of the logarithm of x to base 2.
log1p Calculates the natural logarithm of 1 plus x.
log Calculates the logarithm of x to base 10.
logBy Calculates the logarithm of x to base y.
yn Calculates the modified Bessel function.
x! Calculates the factorial of x.
INTG Calculates the integer part of x.
FRAC Calculates the fractional part of x.
RND Rounds x to the number of digits displayed.
mod Calculates y modulo x where the result has the same sign as x.
d/r Switches between the degree and radian mode.
⇒deg Converts x from radians to degrees.
⇒rad Converts x from degrees to radians.
Δ% Calculates the percent change from y to x.
fmod Calculates y modulo x where the result has the same sign as y.