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CALC 1 Mass Conversion Calculator

The SI base unit for this calculator is kilograms, kg.


Typically to convert from UOM1 to UOM2 you perform the following key sequence:

Enter the UOM1 value

Tap sto key

Tap the UOM of the value.

Now to convert the value:

Tap rcl key

Tap the UOM of UOM2

The video yds to m shows an example of using the length conversion calculator which is typical for all calculators.

Anytime you are unsure of the abbreviations on the labels, use the long press gesture to display the hint for that key.

Following the steps in General Key Details will allow you to see the conversion factors used in the calculations.

The following links describe the keys in detail.

General Key Details

STO and RCL Keys


Conversion of units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia