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CALC 1 Sports Odds Calculator

This calculator converts and calculates sports odds and vig.


This calculator will convert odds, (failures / successes), American moneyline, decimal odds to p (successes / trials).
Note that decimal odds are 1/p.

Reference: Fixed-odds betting - Wikipedia

Keystrokes "= or ENTER": use = in Chain calculation mode, ENTER in RPN calculation mode.
When using Algebraic calculation mode, many of these keys will insert the function.

odds(p) key, the odds (failures to y and successes to x) for the given p.

Value Keystrokes Display Description
.542 odds(p) 45.0
Calculates the odds (failures to y and successes to x) for the given p.
  SWAP 38.0
Displays the failures. It is recommended to display 2 lines (as in the screen shot) so you see both values returned.
The history detail:
Calculation of Odds (failures, successes) for the given p.
0.542 : The p value.
38.0 : The number of failures.
45.0 : The number of successes.
99.0 : The maximum denominator.

p(f,s) key, the p for the entered failures and success.

Value Keystrokes Display Description
11 = or ENTER 11 Enters the failures value
13 p(f,s) 0.542 Enters the successes value, then calculates the p for the entered failures and success.

ml(p) key, the American Moneyline for the p.

Value Keystrokes Display Description
.6 ml(p) -150 Calculates the American Moneyline for the p.

p(ml) key, p for the American Moneyline.

Value Keystrokes Display Description
225 p(ml) 0.308 Calculates p for the American Moneyline.

p!vig key, the no vig probability for money lines in x, y. Returns the vig in rgy.

Value Keystrokes Display Description
-174 = or ENTER -174 Enters the ml1 value
159 p!vig .622 Enters the ml2 value, then Calculates the no vig probability for money lines in x, y. Returns the vig in rgy.
The history detail:
Calculates the no vig probability for moneyLine1.
 -174  : Moneyline 1.
 159   : Moneyline 2.
 2.11  : The Vig.
 0.622 : The probability.

Often in sports betting there will be a different moneyline for each team. The p value for each moneyline when added, will add up to > 1. This is the vig. 0.622 is the p for the favored team at -174, which is a breakeven p of 0.635.