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CALC 1 Data Manager

The data manager allows you to view and edit data as JSON objects or arrays, strings or number.

The Data Manager can be accessed from the main menu.


list manager

The (i) (i inside of a circle) button will present dialog box to rename the data item. The names must be unique.

The "+" button on the toolbar will create a new data item and a dialog to allow you to rename it.

A standard "left swipe gesture" on any row will present 2 options to duplicate or delete a data item.
After deleting an item, the data is saved in History where you can restore it.
Duplicating lists is a good way to save more list data and give it a more meaningful name.

Viewing and Editing Data Items

The functions listed in "JavaScript Variable Persistence Functions" (varSave() and varLoad()) are used in scripts to save and load data as variables.
Data items are also created when data is imported from a file or AirDrop.
Data items can be shared using the toolbar share action button.

The JavaScript variables are saved to a database and displayed for editing as JSON objects, arrays, strings or numbers.

JSON Object Item

If the data item is a JSON object it will be enclosed in a set of curly brackets, { }.
Values are often "name–value pairs" where names (also called keys) are strings.
"newV": 544 is an example.


list manager

JSON Array Item

If the data item is a JSON array it will be enclosed in a set of square brackets, [ ].
This example contains an array of 2 arrays.

JSON arrays can be copied to list x if it contains one array or lists x and y if it contains 2 arrays.
You will find lists saved with "STO list 1"... in these data items.


list manager

The "listx" button will copy all of the values (both arrays in this case) to list x.  
The "listx,y" button will copy the first array to list x and the second array to list y.

String Data Item

If the data item is not a JSON object or array or simple number it will be displayed as a string. 

This example contains data that was imported from the Files app. Imported data is stored as a string. The "listx" toolbar button can be pressed to copy the values to list x. The system used here is looking for numbers so the data can be delimited by spaces, commas, tabs or any text.

iOS dictation works well to enter numeric values.It allows you to keep your eye on the source of the data(book or computer screen) and read in the values. Speaking either "comma" or "new line" will separate the values. For single digit values you need to speak "numeral seven" otherwise the system will spell out seven.

list manager

The "listx" button will copy all of the values to list x.Any non=numeric characters will be treated at delimiters, so values that are space, comma or tab will be copied.

The "replace" button can be used to replace text. This is useful if the imported data contains separators ($123,456.78) that need to be removed. If value "123,456" will be imported as two values, 123 and 456.78. The "replace" button defaults to find "," and replace with an empty string, "". But it can be used to find and replace other text.

Number Data Item

If the data item is a simple number it will be displayed as a number.  Objects with "name–value pairs" is prefered.

JavaScript Date Values

If you plan to store date objects, use the Date.toJSON() method if you need to display it in the editor.