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Calculations Using the Chain (CHN) Calculation Mode

Calculations in Chain mode are interpreted in the order in which they are entered.

For example, entering the following numbers and operations as written from left to right, "1+2×3=" returns 9 and when you tap ×, the 1+2 is evaluated.

Tapping an operator key, (+, -, ×, ÷) after =, the calculation is continued using the currently displayed value.

Examples of Math Operations

To Press Display
Add 6+4 6+4= 10.00
Subtract 6-4 6-4= 2.00
Multiply 6×4 6×4= 24.00
Divide 6÷4 6÷4= 1.5
Chain calculation 6+4×2 6+4×2

Power 31.25 3 ^ 1.25 = 3.95
Find percent with percent add-on: 498+7% 498+7%
Find percent with percent discount: 69.99-10% 69.99-10%
Find percent: 4% of $453 453×4%
Find percent ratio: 14 to 25 14÷25%
Use parentheses: 7 * (3 + 5) 7×(3+5= 56.00
Square Root √15.5 15.5√ 3.94
Add to the last result 3.94+2 +2= 5.94
Using previous results from the stack 2+3÷[ROLL]
Start with a negative sign -10+4 10[+/-]+4
Add a square root (or other unary function) 5+2√
Use EE for large numbers 100000÷2 EE5÷2= 50,000.00
Entering a fraction: 3 5/8
The fraction value will be displayed in the current number format. The second press of the decimal point begins the entry of the denominator.
3 5/8


K Example of Storing "+2" as a constant

To Press Display
Enter a formula 5+2 5.00+2
Store the operator and right hand value and evaluate the formula. Note that the "K" flag will appear at the top right of the display. K 7.00
Add 2 to 6 6 = 8.00
Add 2 to 7 7= 9.00

With CALC 1 there is no need to tap "=" after pressing the "K" key.
A "K" flag is displayed in the upper right part of the display when the "K Mode" is active.  
The CALC 1 History records the full formula.
Valid operators are +, -, ×, ÷, with or without % and ^.
The K mode is active until another operator is entered. The "K" flag will no longer appear.
Note that the K mode only works differently in the Chain mode than in the Algebraic mode.

K Example of Storing "+5%" as a constant

To Press Display
Enter a formula 10+5% 10.00+.050
Store the operator and right hand value and evaluate the formula. Note that the "K" flag will appear at the top right of the display. K 10.50
Add 5% to 6 6 = 6.30
Add 5% to 25 25= 26.25

The top row keys for the Function Calculators and TVM Focused Calculators will also use Auto STO to automatically evaluate formulas and store them without having to press =, then STO.

Tap the "←" key to delete the last number entered. "C" clears the pending formula.

Tapping unary function keys (√, ln, exp, ...) will operate on the currently entered number.

Right parenthesis are only necessary if you wish to view the results between the matching left parenthesis. The number of pending parenthesis is only limited by calculator memory and display.

Tapping the ROLL key will enter previous results from the stack to the current number.

The SWAP key can be used to position two value keys like %T, Δ%. See Percentage Change and Percent of Total Calculations.

Tapping STO + (a storage key) will evaluate the current expression before storing the value.

Recalling a value using RLC or from history will enter the value as the current value. See Storing and Recalling Numbers.