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CALC 1 c1 Date Functions

CALC 1 uses the JavaScript Date Object for most date calculation. Use the c1.yyyymmdd() and c1.jsdate() functions to convert between Date objects and YYYYMMDD format.


Function Description Example Result
yyyymmdd(jsdate); Returns a YYYYMMDD number for a Date Object. c1.yyyymmdd(new Date(2017,9,1,2,3,4)); 20171001.020304
jsdate(yyyymmdd) Returns a Date Object for a YYYYMMDD number c1.jsdate(20171001); Oct 1, 2017
dateadd(date, days) Adds days to the date (YYYMMDD) and returns a date, YYYYMMDD (ISO 8601). c1.dateadd(20090101, 251); 20090909
days(startdate, enddate) The number of actual days between two dates. c1.days(20090101, 20090909) 251
days360(startdate, enddate, method) The number of days between two dates, using the 360 day year. Method can be constants EURO (european = 1), or NASD (US, without spreadsheet bugs = 0). c1.days360(20081220, 90331, c1.NASD); 101


Date Entry

CALC 1 uses the ISO 8601 YYYYMMDD format for entering dates. This is a common date format that most users around the world are familiar with.

For example, April 28, 2004 is entered as 40428. June 4, 2018 is entered as 180604.

An entry of 0 will use the current date.

Date Entry Shortcuts

If you omit the first two years (the century) of YYYY, CALC 1 will use the current century, 20. This is a common truncated representation.

If you omit the entire YYYY, CALC 1 will use the current year.