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Percent Change and Percent of Total Examples

These examples use the OLD, NEW %CHG (percent change) and TOTAL, PART, %TOT (percent of total) keys on the Percentages Calculator

The OLD, NEW and %CHG are an expansion of the Δ% key found on many calculators. The Δ% key will only calculate the percent change given the old and new values. These keys will calculate any of the values given the other 2 values.

The TOTAL, PART, %TOT are an expansion of the %T key found on many calculators. The %T key will only calculate the percent of total given the total and part values. These keys will calculate any of the values given the other 2 values.

These keys use the CALC 1 Auto Sto feature.

Pressing shift then "C pct" will clear all of the percentage values to 0.

Percent Change Examples

Value Keystrokes Display Description
100 OLD 100 Stores the old value
125 NEW 125 Stores the new value.
  %CHG 25 Calculates the percent change from the old to new value.


Value Keystrokes Display Description
100 OLD 100 Stores the old value
20 %CHG 20 Stores the %CHG value.
  NEW 120 Calculates the new value.


The History details will have a record of the calculations that you can view and share.

Calculate New Value from Old and %Change
100.00 : Old
120.00 : New
20.00 : % CHG

Percent of Total Example

Value Keystrokes Display Description
125 TOTAL 125 Stores the total value
56 PART 56 Stores the part value.
  %TOT 44.8 Calculates the percent the part is of the total.


Value Keystrokes Display Description
45 %TOT 45 Stores the percent of total value.
56 PART 56 Stores the part value.
  TOTAL 124.4 Calculates the total value.