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CALC 1 Options

The options view allows the user to set the common calculator options.

options view

The number displayed is the current value of the x register. This number will update for changes in number format and digits.

Number Format: Choose whether or not to have thousands separators or scientific number format.

When Fractional is selected, digits are to the right of the decimal.
When Significant is selected, the number of digits are the total significant digits.
When No Trailing 0s is selected the number of digits are the total significant digits but with no trailing zeros to the right of the decimal. Choosing this will set Digits to 12, but this can be reset to another value.

Most CALC 1 calculators have a "DEC x" key to set the number of digits from a calculator. You can also use a 2 finger pinch gesture to change the number of digits.

Overflow: CALC 1 displays as may digits as it can for the given device before switching to scientific notation for very large numbers. So the larger your device is, the more digits will be displayed before switching to scientific number format. Some devices display more in landscape than portrait.

Underflow: When not in Scientific number format CALC 1 will increase the number of digits to display to display the value.

Digits Settings:

The following table shows how different values are shown with Digits set to 4 and Number Format set to Separators.

Value Fractional Significant No Trailing 0s (12 Digits)

Use Significant Digits is typically only used for Statistics and Scientific applications.
No Trailing 0s is similar to the "ALL" number format on some calculators.

The Rows to Display are the stack rows in the Focused or Formula calculators in CHN or RPN Calculation Mode. You can also use the swipe up/down gesture to increase and decrease the rows displayed.

Display Stack Labels: This will toggle the x, y, z, t labels to the right of the stack display. There is no stack display when one row is displayed. This only applies when the Calculation Mode is set to CHN or RPN.

Calculation Mode can be set to chain (CHN), Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) or Algebraic (ALG).

Turning on Key Clicks applies to the calculators. You adjust the volume of your key clicks using your device volume controls.

The Haptic Feedback option is for devices that support haptic feedback.

Enabling Display Key Previews will display the value for any STO/RCL keys. This includes the top row of keys for Formula Calculators and the TVM calculators. The key preview number format uses a significant digits format to display the values in the smaller space of the keys.

iPhone Specific Options

Enabling Key Editing From Calculators will allow the display of the Key Editor by swiping the key (right swipe gesture). This allows quick access to the Key Editor to copy and paste keys.

Display iPhone Toolbar allows the bottom toolbar in the iPhone portrait orientation to be hidden to give more space to the keys.

Some options can also be set using the user option functions, typically assigned to keys.