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CALC 1 Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions

CALC 1 uses two sets of trigonometric functions.

The standard functions:

sin(), cos(), tan()

asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2()

The CALC 1 trigonometric functions that take into account the degree-radian mode of the calculator:

sindrm(), cosdrm(), tandrm()

asindrm(), acosdrm(), atandrm(), atan2drm()

Why the drm set of functions?

In all spreadsheets and C based computer languages the argument of the trigonometric functions are in radians. So it would be wrong to change the "contract" of these functions for CALC 1.


Function Description Example Result
acos(x) The inverse cosine of a number as radians. Use ACOSDRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. acos( .34) 1.22
acosdrm(x) The inverse cosine of a number in degrees or radians per the user settings. acosdrm( .34) 70.12
acosh(x) The inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. acosh(10) 2.99
asin(x) The inverse sine of a number as radians. Use ASINDRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. asin( .34) 0.35
asindrm(x) The inverse sine of a number in degrees or radians per the user settings. asindrm( .34) 19.88
asinh(x) The inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. asinh(10) 3
atan(x) The inverse tangent of a number. Use ATANDRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. atan( .34) 0.33
atan2(x,y) The inverse tangent for specified x and y coordinates. Use ATAN2DRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. atan2(-4.4, -3.3) -2.21
atan2drm(x,y) The inverse tangent for specified x and y coordinates in degrees or radians per the user settings. atan2drm(-4.4, -3.3) -126.87
atandrm(x) The inverse tangent of a number in degrees or radians per the user settings. atandrm( .75) 36.87
atanh(x) The inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. atanh(.5) 0.55
cos(x) The cosine of an angle as radians. Use COSDRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. cos(.8) 0.7
cosdrm(x) The cosine of an angle in degrees or radians per the user settings. cosdrm(60) 0.5
cosh(x) The hyperbolic cosine of an angle. cosh(1) 1.54
degrees(x) Converts radians into degrees. degrees(mpi/2) 90
drm() The current degree / radians conversion as selected in the calculator options, either p/180 or 1.0. Can be used to make trig functions aware of the current degree or radian user preference. drm() 0.02
drm2deg() Sets the degree / radians conversion as selected in the calculator options to 180/pi. drm2deg()  
drm2rad() Sets the degree / radians conversion as selected in the calculator options to 1. drm2rad()  
hypot(x,y) The hypot(x,y) function computes the sqrt(x*x+y*y) without undue overflow or underflow. hypot(3,4) 5
radians(x) Converts degrees into radians. radians(90) 1.57
sin(x) The sine of an angle as radians. Use SINDRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. sin(.8) 0.72
sindrm(x) The sine of an angle in degrees or radians per the user settings. sindrm(30) 0.5
sinh(x) The hyperbolic sine of an angle. sinh(1) 1.18
tan(x) The tangent of an angle as radians. Use TANDRM for the value that will return degrees or radians per the user settings. tan(.8) 1.03
tandrm(x) The tangent of an angle in degrees or radians per the user settings. tandrm(45) 1
tanh(x) The hyperbolic tangent of an angle. tanh(1) 0.76


Trigonometric functions - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hyperbolic functions - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia