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CALC 1 Securities Functions


Function Description Example Result
accrint(issue, first, settle, annualRate, par, frequency, dayBasis) Calculates the accrued interest for a security with periodic interest payments. accrint( 19870501, 19871101, 19870810, 0.0675, 100, 2, dbactact) 1.85
accrintm(issue, settle, annualRate, par, dayBasis) Calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays at maturity. accrintm( 20080501, 20120229, 0.0675, 100, dbact360) 26.23
accrintprice(settle, maturity, annualRate, annualYield, redemption, frequency, dayBasis) Calculates the accrued interest for a security with periodic interest payments, using argument for the price function. This is used to allow a calculator to calculate price and accrued interest with the same arguments. accrintprice( 20040428, 20180604, 0.0675, 0.0825, 100, 2, db30360) 2.7
disc(settle, maturity, price, redemption, dayBasis) The discount rate of a security. disc(19930207, 19930606, 97.98, 100, db30360) 0.06
effective(nomRate, num) The effective compounded interest rate given a nominal interest rate. effective(0.05, 365) 0.05
intrate(settle, maturity, investAmount, redemption, dayBasis) The equivalent annual interest rate for an investment bought at one price and sold at another. intrate(19930207, 19930606, 97.975347, 100, dbact360) 0.06
nominal(effectiveRate, periodsPerYear) Returns a nominal interest rate given the effective compounded interest rate. nominal( 0.05127, 365) 0.05
price(settle, maturity, annualRate, annualYield, redemption, frequency, dayBasis) Calculates a quoted price for an interest paying security, per 100 currency units par value. price(19930225, 20041215, 0.05875, 0.0646, 100, 2, db30360) 95.21
pricedisc(settle, maturity, annualYield, redemption, dayBasis) Calculates a price for a non-interest paying discounted bond. pricedisc( 19920207, 19920301, 0.0535, 100, db30360) 99.64
pricef7(a, dsc, e, m, n, r, rv, y) Calculates a quoted price for an interest paying security, per 100 currency units par value using formula 7. pricef7( 70, 110, 180, 2, 24, 0.05875, 100, 0.0646) 95.21
yield(settle, maturity, annualRate, price, redemption, frequency, dayBasis) Calculates the yield for an interest paying security. yield (20080501, 20120229, 0.0675, 94.84, 100, 2, db30360) 0.08


Bond (finance) - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia