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CALC 1 Rounding and Remainders Functions


Function Description Example Result
ceiling(number, factor) Rounds 'number' up to a multiple of 'factor'. (Floor and Ceiling) ceiling(73, 10) 80
even(x) Rounds a number to the next even integer away from zero. even(2.5) 4
floor(number, factor) Rounds 'number' down to a multiple of 'factor'. (Floor and Ceiling) floor(73, 10) 70
fmod(number, denominator) Returns the remainder when one integer is divided by another. Result has same sign as dividend. The fmod() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E).(Modulo operation) fmod(-8, 3) -2
int(x) Rounds a number down to the nearest integer. int(-7.9) -8
mod(number, denominator) The remainder when one integer is divided by another. Result has same sign as divisor. (Modulo operation) mod(-8, 3) 1
mround(number, factor) A number rounded to the nearest multiple of another number. mround(4.5, 3) 6
odd(x) Rounds a number up to the next highest odd integer. odd(2.5) 3
quotient(number, denominator) The integer result of a division operation. quotient(5.99, 2) 2
round(number, digits) Rounds a number to the specified digits. round(mpi, 3) 3.142
rounddown(number, digits) Rounds a number down, toward zero, to the specified digits. rounddown( 1111.222, -2) 1100
roundup(number, digits) Rounds a number up, away from zero, to the specified digits. roundup( 1111.222, -2) 1200
trunc(number, digits) Truncates a number by removing decimal places. trunc( 1.23456, 3) 1.234