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CALC 1 Constants


Constant Description Example Result
calc Method constant for days360 to select the Excel/Calc method. calc 0
db30360 Financial methods constant for 30 days per month, 360 days per year, Calc method. db30360 0
db30e360 Financial methods constant for 30 days per month, 360 days per year, european method. db30e360 4
dbact360 Financial methods constant for actual days per month, 360 days per year. dbact360 2
dbact365 Financial methods constant for actual days per month, 365 days per year. dbact365 3
dbactact Financial methods constant for actual days per month, actual days per year. dbactact 1
dblmax Maximum representable finite floating-point number. dblmax 1.797e+308
dblmin Minimum representable finite floating-point number. dblmin 2.225e-308
dr Degrees to radians (pi/180). dr 0.0174532
euro Method constant for days360 to select the European method. euro 1
false Used to indicate boolean false in a logical function. false 0
flagbe Flag memory location of the financial beginning or end mode. flagbe 10
flagdrm Flag memory location of the trigonometric degree or radian mode. flagdrm 11
listf f (financial) list index. listf 2
listx x list index. listx 0
listy y list index. listy 1
m1pi 1/pi. m1pi 0.32
m2pi 2/pi. m2pi 0.64
m2sqrtpi 2/sqrt(pi). m2sqrtpi 1.13
maxformulamem Last formula memory index. maxformulamem 99
maxusermem Last user memory index. maxusermem 99
me e (mathematical constant) me 2.72
mln10 log e 10. mln10 2.3
mln2 log e 2. mln2 0.69
mlog10e log 10 e. mlog10e 0.43
mlog2e log 2 e. mlog2e 1.44
mpi π (mathematical constant) mpi 3.14
mpi2 pi/2. mpi2 1.57
mpi4 pi/4. mpi4 0.79
msqrt12 1/sqrt(2). msqrt12 0.71
msqrt2 sqrt(2). msqrt2 1.41
nasd Method constant for days360 to select the NASD method. nasd -1
nfstyledec Used in STONFSTYLE() to set the number formatter style to decimal. nfStyleDec 1
nfstylenone Used in STONFSTYLE() to set the number formatter style to none. nfstylenone 0
nfstylesci Used in STONFSTYLE() to set the number formatter style to scientific. nfStyleSci 4
true Used to indicate boolean true in a logical function. true 1