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Math and Hyperbolic Calculator

This calculator focuses on hyperbolic, logarithmic and other math functions.

Using the "long press" gesture will display a hint about any key. (Video: Displaying a hint) You can inspect the Key Details to see the formulas and functions for any key.


Top rows


sinhCalculates the hyperbolic sine of x.
coshCalculates the hyperbolic cosine of x.
tanhCalculates the hyperbolic tangent of x.
lnCalculates the natural logarithm of x.
⇒PConverts x and y from rectangular to polar values.
Calculates the square root of x.
y^xCalculates y raised to power of x.
1/xCalculates the reciprocal of x.
SWAPSwaps the x and y registers.
÷Divides y by x.
ROLLRolls the stack down.
×Multiplies y times x.
Subtracts x from y.
%Calculates the x percent of y.
+Adds y to x.


With shift


asinhCalculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
acoshCalculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
atanhCalculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
expCalculates the base-e exponential of x.
⇒RConverts x and y from polar to rectangular values.
πEnters pi into x.
3√xCalculates the cube root of x.
x√yCalculates y raised to power 1/x
sqrtpiCalculates the square root of x times pi.
last xRecalls the 'last x' value.
clr mClears all of the user memory.
clr sClears the stack registers (x, y, z, t).
exp2Calculates the base 2 exponential of x.
expm1Calculates the base e exponential of x minus 1.
10^xCalculates 10 raised to the power of x.
quadCalculates the real roots of a quadratic equation given a, b, c.
jnCalculates the Bessel function (cylinder function).
log2Calculates the value of the logarithm of x to base 2.
log1pCalculates the natural logarithm of 1 plus x.
logCalculates the logarithm of x to base 10.
logByCalculates the logarithm of x to base y.
ynCalculates the modified Bessel function.
x!Calculates the factorial of x.
INTGCalculates the integer part of x.
FRACCalculates the fractional part of x.
RNDRounds x to the number of digits displayed.
modCalculates y modulo x where the result has the same sign as x.
d/rSwitches between the degree and radian mode.
⇒degConverts x from radians to degrees.
⇒radConverts x from degrees to radians.
Δ%Calculates the percent change from y to x.
fmodCalculates y modulo x where the result has the same sign as y.


With STO