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Common Conversions Calculator

This conversion calculator is used for common conversions of different quantities using a single tap or shift-tap.

It features five conversions from U.S. UOMs to SI UOMs and their inverse conversions.


The conversions are

fahrenheit - celsius

pounds - kilograms

miles - kilometers

inches - centimetres

gallons - litres

The Conversion Form Calculator provide many more conversions. It also has a "Create Key" button that will create keys that you can add to this calulator.


Conversion of units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Top rows


Label Description
⇒C Converts x from fahrenheit to celsius.
⇒kg Converts x from pounds to kilograms.
⇒km Converts x from miles to kilometers.
⇒cm Converts x from inches to centimeters.
⇒L Converts x from gallons to litres.
Calculates the square root of x.
y^x Calculates y raised to power of x.
1/x Calculates the reciprocal of x.
SWAP Swaps the x and y registers.
÷ Divides y by x.
ROLL Rolls the stack down.
× Multiplies y times x.
Subtracts x from y.
% Calculates the x percent of y.
+ Adds y to x.


With shift


Label Description
⇒F Converts x from celsius to fahrenheit.
⇒lb Converts x from kilograms to pounds.
⇒mi Converts x from kilometers to miles (international).
⇒in Converts x from centimeters to inches.
⇒gal Converts x from litres to gallons (U.S. fluid).
last x Recalls the 'last x' value.
clr m Clears all of the user memory.
clr s Clears the stack registers (x, y, z, t).
Δ% Calculates the percent change from y to x.


With STO